Thomas Buchs

Plein Air Oil Painter

Thomas Buchs is one of the area's top plein air painters. Tom has won many awards locally, regionally and nationally. He can be seen painting around the area in weather up to 6 below! Tom teaches plein air workshops at various venues locally. Check his website for more info.

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"The Rogues Artists Group has exhibited thematic exhibits at Inspiration Studios that have wowed viewers..."

- Erico Ortiz, Inspiration Studios

"It was a wonderful experience working with The Rogues to put together our first third floor exhibition at the David Barnett Gallery, David's Attic.."

- David Barnett, David Barnett Gallery

“We host many artist groups at the Schauer Performing Arts Center – The Rogues exhibit has been  tasteful, exciting, and unique..."

Suckow Family Art Gallery, Schauer  Arts Center

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