What they're saying!

What They're Saying...

Beloit Art Center

"It was a real pleasure to work with your group to produce the quality art show we exhibited at the Beloit Art Center during the month of May 2021.  I’ve been describing it as a high power show as it was filled with so much diverse high quality art.  Besides the in art in charcoal, paints, pastels, and colored pencil there were three dimensional sculptural pieces and some hand made books full of art presentations.  That's part of the draw when you attend a group show like this. We had sixteen artists showing work in this show. With that many people we only had room to display a few pieces from each artist..  When you can only hang a few pieces you want to display your best, thus the quality of the overall show goes up. Suffice it to say we were thrilled to present a show of this caliber and look forward to some time in the future when we can perhaps bring you back again for another show. "

-Jerry Sveum and Dawn Stadelman, co-chairs of the programming committee for the Beloit Art Center


Art in so Many Words

“Recently, I had the opportunity of being one of the jurors for the Rogue Group’s “Art in So Many Words” Exhibit. I found that the inspirations that flowed in both directions from poet to artist, and back again, was a refreshing exercise in symbiotic creativity. It would be good to see more of this type of expression. It entices the artist to venture into unfamiliar territory and stretch. The poems and visual creations were varied, well done, and fun to experience. Thank you for a very enjoyable evening.” 

- Lorin Willey, Jurist


Inspiration Studios:

"The Rogues Artists Group has exhibited thematic exhibits at Inspiration Studios that have wowed viewers.  Their thematic approach has helped to shape and encourage members to participate in shows that might otherwise slip past their critical eyes.  Viewers always enjoy the staging of the exhibits, along with the theatrics and the costumes.  Receptions are always vibrant and informative.  After two very successful exhibits at Inspiration Studios, this group of artists have established themselves as great collaborators and exhibitors of fun and engaging exhibits."   

Erico Ortiz, Founder

David Barnett Gallery

"It was a wonderful experience working with The Rogues to put together our first third floor exhibition at the David Barnett Gallery, David's Attic. The artists put a lot of effort not only into their diverse work, but also into transforming the attic into a thoughtful and unique exhibition space, complete with ingenious lighting and artwork display. Even though the attic was often very cold, the Rogues were a warm presence in the space for openings and events! Everyone that viewed the show was impressed, which led us to extend the pop-up exhibition multiple times. The David Barnett Gallery also met a large number of truly talented local artists, and we are excited to see what we can do with the space and with The Rogues in the future."

David Barnett, Owner


Schaer Arts Center

“We host many artist groups at the Schauer Performing Arts Center – The Rogues Exhibit has been  tasteful, exciting, and unique! The “Wilde about Theater,” exhibit has created such an inviting space and backdrop for our performances and event rentals. The engagement and thoughtful connections the pieces have with our patrons as well as our performance venue itself has been a pleasure to witness. The gallery reception was an added treat as it transformed our Suckow Family Art Gallery into a thematic escape. Working with the talented artists has shaped such a colorful and successful experience.”

Malorie Janechek
Assistant Event Services Coordinator


"The Rogues Artists Group has exhibited thematic exhibits at Inspiration Studios that have wowed viewers..."

- Erico Ortiz, Inspiration Studios

"It was a wonderful experience working with The Rogues to put together our first third floor exhibition at the David Barnett Gallery, David's Attic.."

- David Barnett, David Barnett Gallery

“We host many artist groups at the Schauer Performing Arts Center – The Rogues exhibit has been  tasteful, exciting, and unique..."

Suckow Family Art Gallery, Schauer  Arts Center

Artists by Medium

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